This private Facebook group is for you are a highly energetically aware person who is deeply committed to your conscious spiritual evolution and practically applying it to your daily life. We support each other to dive deeper into energizing the words we choose for each month during the #12daysofnewyears 2021 event. We open the group to new members in January, March, June, and September, so you may also shape your year by selecting your words of the month during the Spring, Summer, and Autumn Mysterium Fascinosum Connection Celebration.
In this group, we focus on limitless possibilities. We've moved well beyond the problem and solution paradigm and see the brilliance and genius of everything and everyone. We're curious and open to new ideas, and we trust our inner wisdom. High-frequency opportunities abound when we look from the highest perspectives.
In addition to the support and inspiration we create in the Facebook group, members also can participate in a facebook live, timed so members from our global community can connect here on the first of each month. There's a video conference call mid-month for energiZing words, and discovering what others sense about you and your word. We share the alchemical energy of the combined words essence so every sentient being can access and benefit by it. Also, you'll have the opportunity to post your creative expressions of your words and your synchronicities and successes in the group as you actualize the words in your reality.
This group is for highly energetically aware people who are learning to thrive in higher consciousness, are familiar with metaphysics and spiritual practices and have enjoyed taking part in the free #12DaysofNew Years event, or Quarterly mysterium fascinosum celebration. If you wish to participate, go to